
Community Engagement

At Friendship House we see ourselves as part of a web of valuable community relationships.

While we are part of a number of local and national networks, as a community hub we provide a local space in Manukau to bring our community together.

Our community network provides:

  • A venue for meeting or hosting training and events

  • Forums for discussion

  • A focus for community activities & a safe & welcoming space

  • Bi-Monthly community networking meetings with other local government and NGO groups

  • We identify gaps in current services and promote community cohesion

  • We are also part of a number of local & national networks. 

If you would like to attend or receive information about our bi-monthly network meetings & future dates please sign up to our Mailing list below. You will only receive email about these Network meetings.

A man in a wheelchair smiles next to a standing woman in Friendship House's lobby.